Sunday, March 31, 2024

Sunday will Come

 I recently was told by my surgeon at Huntsman that she would like to place me in "survivor care."  It was then explained to me that I would be followed by a provider who would continue to monitor me and keep an eye out for any new signs of cancer because as of this year, I am a cancer survivor.  Her use of the term "Survivor care" struck a chord deep within my heart and as I have been reflecting on her choice of words Elder Wirthlin's words came to my mind, "Sunday will come."

"Sunday will come" was given by Elder Wirthlin in his Oct. 2009 conference address.  As I re-listened to his words he spoke about his father, his mother, his sister, and his wife Elisa.  All who had left deep impressions upon his life and shaped the man he was to become.  They were his joy with him stating "Elisa was my greatest joy..."  He spoke about each of their passings and as he reflected on his precious memories of each, he shared a tidbit that President Hinckley had shared at his wife's funeral, "it is a devastating, consuming thing to lose someone you love.  It gnaws at your soul."  Elder Wirthlin then shared how his wife's passing was his "greatest sorrow."  He then gave insight to the "lonely hours" he had spent thinking about “the eternal things... and the comforting doctrines of eternal life..."

He went on to talk about the resurrection and what he had learned from the scriptures and the prophets about the resurrection.  He then made this statement which touched my soul, "I think how dark that Friday was when Christ was lifted up on the cross.  On that terrible Friday the earth shook and grew dark.  Frightful storms lashed at the earth.  Those evil man who sought His life rejoiced.  Now that Jesus was no more, surely those who followed Him would disperse.  On that day they stood triumphant...Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Jesus, were both overcome with grief and despair.  The superb man they had loved and honored hung lifeless upon the cross.  On that Friday the Apostles were devastated.  Jesus, their Savior--the man who had walked on water and raised the dead--was Himself at the mercy of wicked men.  They watched helplessly as He was overcome by His enemies.  On that Friday the Savior of mankind was humiliated and bruised, abused and reviled.  It was a Friday filled with devastating, consuming sorrow that gnawed at the souls of those who loved and honored the Son of God.  I think that of all the days since the beginning of this world's history, that Friday was the darkest.  But the doom of that day did not endure..."

Elder Wirthlin then spoke of the Lords glorious resurrection and all the beautiful events that followed.  He then commented, "Each of us will have our own Fridays--those days when the universe itself seems shattered and the shards of our world lie littered about us in pieces.  We will experience those broken times when it seems we can never be put together again.  We will all have our Fridays."

I have had many of those Fridays Elder Wirthlin just described in which I became a survivor.  The darkest for me were when I became a domestic abuse survivor, a suicide survivor, a survivor of infertility, an abonnement survivor and lastly a cancer survivor.  I found peace in Elder Wirthlin's testimony, “But I testify to you in the name of the One who conquered death--Sunday will come.  In the darkness of our sorrows, Sunday will come.  No matter our desperation, no matter our grief, Sunday will come.  In this life or the next, Sunday will come..."  During my darkest hours when hope was dwindling away, my own personal Sunday came through the loving embrace of my Lord and Savior.  When no one else came, He came.  He has provided my "survivor care" even when in anger and bitterness I pushed Him away.  He patiently waited for me to return, never giving up on this wayward child.

My husband and I lost our babies many many years ago and many years ago I lost my brother and parents.  Like Elder Wirthlin I have precious memories of them, and I too “miss them greatly”."  Quoting Elder Wirthlin:  "the resurrected Lord burst the bonds of death.  He ascended from the grave and appeared gloriously triumphant as the Savior of all mankind...We will all rise from the grave...Because of the life and eternal sacrifice of the Savior of the world, we will be reunited with those we have cherished.  On that day we will know the love of our Heavenly Father.  On that day we will rejoice that the Messiah overcame all that we could live forever..."

Elder Wirthlin then shared another thought from President Hinckley concerning "the terrible loneliness that comes to those who lose the ones they love, he also promised that in the quiet of the night a still, unheard voice whispers peace to our soul: "all is well..."  I have felt that peace and I know "all is well."

There are many who are enduring their dark Fridays and with Elder Wirthlin I bear witness that all may know, "that no matter how dark our Friday, Sunday will come."  So, hang in there my friends and know that you are never alone and because of our Lord's great love for us He has wonderous Sundays planned for all who reach out to Him and open their ears to hear, “all is well.”


Saturday, March 23, 2024

Have I Done Any Good Today?

 I was asked to speak about service tomorrow.  I have had many thoughts running through my mind in how the spirit would like me to approach my topic, so here I am writing down my thoughts so I will have clear direction tomorrow.

As I was searching for an address that would start the process, I found myself passing by service talks that had spoken to me years ago, and came across  President Monson's conference address "What Have I Done for Someone Today?"   Given in Oct 2009.   As I read his words the spirit confirmed that his talk would  be the foundation I would build upon.

My first clear thought was a scripture passage in Mosiah 2:17:  "And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom, that ye may learn that when you are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God."  That night I had a dream of my mother humming the hymn "Have I Done any Good in the World Today."

President Monson spoke about an article he had read, written by Jack McConnell, M.D.   Dr McConnell was raised in southwest Virginia and was one of seven children.  His father was a Methodist minister, and each day as the family sat around their dinner table their father would ask each child, "And what did you do for someone today?"  The children were determined to do good things every day so they could report their good deeds to their father.  Dr McConnell commented that" this exercise was his father's most valuable legacy, for that expectations and those words inspired him and his siblings to help others throughout their lives."

Thought to ponder, "Have I done any good in the world today?"

Dr McConnell had a distinguished medical career; he directed the development of the tuberculosis tine test, participated in the early development of the polio vaccine, supervised the development of Tylenol and was instrumental in developing the MRI.  When he retired he started an organization called Volunteers for Medicine which gives retired professionals the opportunity to volunteer at free clinics where they help the uninsured.  Dr McConnell commented, "that since he retired, his leisure time has "evaporated into 60 hour work weeks of unpaid work, but his energy level has increased and there is a satisfaction in his life that wasn't there before."  He made this statement:  "In one of the paradoxes of life, I have benefited more from Volunteers in Medicine than my patients have."

"Have I helped anyone in need?"

I then found my thoughts taking me to Luke 9:24:  "And whosoever will save his life shall lose it"  but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it."  President Monson commented, "I believe the Savior is telling us that unless we lose ourselves to others, there is little purpose to our own lives.  Those who live only for themselves eventually shrivel up and figuratively lose their lives, while those who lose themselves in service to others grow and flourish--and in effect save their lives."

"There are chances for work all around, Opportunities right in our way"

President Monson then spoke about the conference in which he had been sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles--"President David O'McKay made this statement:  "Man's greatest happiness comes from losing himself for the good of others."

"Only he who does something helps others to live"

President Monson then made this profound comment, "Often we live side by side but do not communicate heart to heart.  There are those around within the sphere of our own influence who, with outstretched hands, cry out, 'Is there no balm in Gilead?"

"Has anyones burdens been lighter today, because I was willing to share?"

President Monson continued with this statement, "I am confident it is the intention of each member of the Church to serve and to help those in need.  At baptism we covenanted to 'bear one another's burdens, that they may be light.' How many times has your heart been touched as you have witnessed the need of another?  How often have you intended to be the one to help?  And yes, how often has day to day living interfered and you've left it for others to help, feeling that 'oh, surely someone will take care of that need."  

"Do not let them pass by saying someday I'll try"

We become so caught in the busyness of our lives.  Were we to step back, however, and take a good look at what we're doing, we may find that we have immersed ourselves in the 'thick of thin things.'  In other words, too often we spend most our  time taking care of the things which do not really matter much at all in the grand scheme of things, neglecting those more important causes."

"When they needed my help was I there?"

President Monson shared one of his favorite poems utilizing the words to "guide his life:"

I have wept in the night

for the shortness of sight

that to somebody's need made me blind

but I never have yet

Felt a tinge of regret

For being a little to Kind

He continued:  "My brothers and sisters, we are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement, our support, our comfort and our kindness-be they family members, friends, acquaintances, or strangers.  We are the Lord's hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and lift His children.  He is dependent upon each of us.  You may lament: I can barely make it through each day, doing all the I need to do.  How can I provide service for others?  What can I possibly do?"

"Then wake up and do something more than dream of your mansion above."

President Monson then talked about his upcoming birthday and that the greatest gift the members could give him was the gift of service.  He spoke about all that stepped up to the plate and introduced the  "warm fuzzy jar."   A place where children placed their acts of service.   One child shared how his grandfather had a stroke and he held his hand.  Another shared that his dad was gone for a few weeks for army training and his job was to give his mother hugs and kisses.  One spoke of going to an older ladies house and visited with her and sang a song to her.  He closed with how happy that had made her.  President Monson then spoke about words that had been penned by Elder Richard L Evans of the Quorum of the Twelve:  "It is difficult for those who are young to understand the loneliness that comes when life changes from a time of preparation and performance to a time of putting things away...To be so long the center of a home, so much sought after, and then, almost suddenly to be on the sidelines watching the procession pass by---this is living into loneliness...We have to live a long time to learn how empty a room can be that is filled only with furniture.  It takes someone...beyond mere hired service, beyond institutional care or professional duty, to thaw out the memories of the past and keep them warmly living in the present...We cannot bring them back the morning hours of youth.  But we can help them live in the warm glow of a sunset made more beautiful by out thoughtfulness...and unfeigned love."

"Have the sick and weary been helped on their way?  Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?"

My thoughts then went to Matthew 25:34-40:

"Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:  For I was a hungered and ye gave me meat:  I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink:  I was a stranger, and ye took me in:  Naked and ye clothed me:  I was sick, and ye visited me:  I was in prison, and ye came unto me.  Then shall the righteous answer him saying, Lord, when saw thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty and gave thee drink?  When saw we a stranger, and took thee in" or naked and clothed thee?  Or, when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?  And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one the least of these my  brethren, ye have done it unto me."

"When they needed my help was I there?"

President Monson then stated:  "My brothers and sisters, may we ask ourselves the question which greeted Dr Jack McConnell...each evening at dinnertime:  "What have I done for someone today?"  That service to which all of us have been called is the service of the Lord Jesus Christ.  As He enlists us to His cause, He invites us to draw close to Him, He speaks to you and to me:  "Come unto me, all that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."  If we truly listen, we may hear that (loving) voice from far away say to us, as it spoke to another, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant.'  That each (of us) my qualify for this blessing from our Lord is my His name, even Jesus Christ, our Savior, amen."

"Doing good is a pleasure a joy beyond measure, a blessing of duty and love."

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

What Kind of Friend are You?

 I was sitting in my home temple last week, when this sweet lady sat down beside me.  She started visiting with me about all her health issues and asking questions about our temple.  Her face and eyes were radiant with peace and joy.  I instantly loved her.  A Sister I knew joined us and when this sweet lady left us, she asked me, "is she a friend of yours?"  I answered "no, this is my first time meeting her."  This sister got a contemplative look on her face and said, "I thought she had known you for years."

That simple exchange got me thinking about friends.  I was reading a devotional about friendship by Lee F Braithwaite a BYU Professor given in Sept 2005 entitled, "From I'll Try to I will Do."  He asked a potent question, "What kind of a friend are you?"  He then continued his thought, "We all function so much better when we are friends.  We are united."

I thought about his question and then two of my dear friends came into my mind.  When our power went out on a cold winter day.  My friend brought me a warm blanket, warm socks, warm soup and a propane heater because she "did not want me to get cold."  Another friend is following a disabled pickup to ensure this gentleman gets to a place where they can fix his pickup or that he gets at least close to his home safely.  

There is a song I love entitled, "Greater Love" by Kenneth Cope.  It talks about the great love our Savior has for each and everyone of us but the verse that touched my heart was "...Well, now it’s been years since His lifetime But He and His love still remain And all that I want is to be like Him He was all I hope to be I would give my life to be The kind of friend Jesus was to me Greater love."   Both my above examples show that Christlike friendship.  How blessed I am to have them in my life.

Brother Braithwaite posed some questions:  "How do we qualify as a good friend. How may we be a good friend to others on a constant basis?"

I recently received a text message from a very special lady I had the pleasure of journeying with during my cancer journey.  She thanked me for "being such a good friend."   I must admit I was surprised by her comment due to the busyness of life I had not kept in touch as much as I would like.  A comment that Brother Braithwaite made came into my mind:  "I believe a true friend is a person who will bring out the best in us..."  During our journey I had invited this sweet lady to go to the temple.  She was so excited but the busyness of her life took her another direction but we still continued to journey together.  Then I had some changes in my life that threw me for a loop but I stayed in contact with this dear dear sweet sister.

At the little store where I work I meet young couples and their little ones.  I have to admit I have a few favorites.  I was visiting with one of my favorite young husbands who shared their little one was two and starting to run.  He made a comment that surprised me , "You're always smiling and happy, no wonder he likes you."  (referring to his son.)  I don't know why his comment surprised me but it did.  As I reflected on his comment a piece of Brother Braithwaite's thoughts came into my mind , "I hope we all have friends who lift us up.  We all need to be lifted in life."  

February and March are sorrowful months for me and I find myself isolating.  The little store and the new people I have met help me not to fall into a dark pit of depression.  Especially my favorite couples and their precious little ones who makes my heart smile.

Another place that keeps me stable is the temple.  Today I found myself out of fuel and feeling a dark depression setting in.  I cancelled one appt and was going to pass on my weekly temple trip but then I found myself needing the peace of the temple.  So, I spent the morning in the temple and came out refreshed and renewed.  I had a wonderful sealer who shared a promise made by President Monson about how the temple lets you rest from the weariness of the world and gives you the strength to go back out and face your challenges with faith and courage.  Oh, how I needed to hear that.  He then talked about how there are no coincidences with our Heavenly Father.  Oh, how I know that!

I am so grateful for the true friends that our Heavenly Father placed in my path to help lift me.  I would like to close with Brother Braithwaite's closing statement:  "Brothers and Sisters, good friends are so important to each of us.  May we be true friends and lift up as many as we can.  May we do this with the spirit that President Hinckley so beautifully extends to us.  May we follow our prophet perfectly.  May we follow our Father in Heaven as perfectly as possible.  May we follow our Savior the best we can.  May we be good friends, true friends.  May we no disappoint our families and our friends as we sojourn here at BYU and after.   I say these things from my heart and in the name of Jesus Christ Amen."

From I’ll Try to I Will Do

                                                                          LEE F. BRAITHWAITE

                                                                                 BYU Professor of Integrative Biology

September 13, 2005

There is a big difference between liking to accomplish something and doing it—a big difference.

Right up front I would like to thank Kay Johnson. She has helped me with all of the details and has granted all of my wishes except one. I asked her if I could bring my cardiologist along with me to sit by my side. Hopefully I can get through this talk without needing one.

I love BYU. I love the students here. I love the faculty and the staff and the administrators. I have made many friends while being here.

I’m going to focus on being a good friend, and I ask that all of you might reflect on what kind of a friend you are. We all function so much better when we are friends. We are united.

I love to tell stories. I hope you like to listen to stories. I’m going to start with life before kindergarten, then life during grade school, then junior high, then high school, and then college. Now, I very much dislike boasting, so I’m going to tell you stories, by and large, of events in which I did some dumb things and good friends picked me up.

How do we qualify as a good friend? How may we be a good friend to others on a constant basis? I believe a true friend is a person who will bring out the best in us. We can have friends who do not bring out the best in us. I hope we all have friends who lift us up. We all need to be lifted in life.

My first story involves a time when I was three and a half years of age. My mother called to me and said, “Lee, hurry up and get ready for church.”

I was very defensive and said, “I do not want to go to church.”

She said, “But Jesus wants you to.”

I defiantly stated, “I never see Him there.”

Well, it is funny, but my mother wasn’t amused. She knew her work was cut out for her, and she started reading from a book that she had had when she was a small girl—the same book that President Hinckley had had when he was the same age as my mother. Their mothers read to them.

This is a book that I still have. Light blue and dog-eared, it’s entitled The Life of Our Lord, and it was a beautiful book, especially when Mother read.

I remember that she placed a beautiful picture of the Savior over the piano in our living room as a constant reminder, and I have loved that picture. When my mother passed away, we hung the picture on the wall in our family room. Oh, how I love my family: my mother and father, my grandparents, and my many relatives. Eight of my 10 children are here, and one is in Detroit and one is in Baltimore. I know I love all of them more because I learned to love my Savior.

Going to elementary school in the fifth grade, I did something really dumb. Just before Valentine’s Day my teacher asked all of us children to make Valentine boxes out of shoeboxes. You’ve probably done the same thing; you might still do it today. We had white paper and white paper lace and red hearts. On Valentine’s morning Mother said, “Now, Lee, you remember to give a Valentine to each one of the pupils in your class.”

Well, I went to school, and before school began I started stuffing valentines into boxes, but I didn’t take the advice of my mother. Have you ever done that? It’s dumb, isn’t it? Well, I gave a valentine to everyone except for one girl. She was obnoxious, she was mean, and she probably could have beaten up on me if she wanted to.

When it came time to tear our Valentine’s boxes apart, I glanced over at the girl. She had tears rolling down her cheeks; she didn’t have a single valentine. I hurt to this day that I didn’t pay heed to my mother. I’ve noticed during the years that a lot of people need friends, true friends. And if anyone ever did, she did. I became a better friend to her, but it was too late to relieve the negative situation. May we listen to our true friends and do the right things.

Of junior high, probably like most of you, I can’t remember too much. But I remember my grandfather. He was old, and he related stories to me as a small boy. I heard those stories at least three dozen times. But I tried hard to listen intently. I think I was the only one who ever listened to him. I listened because I loved him.

Well, when I got into high school, my friends and my brother and I would play basketball at the end of our barn with an old rusty rim, a homemade backboard, and a gunnysack for a net. We had fun there. One day it was very overcast, and I looked across the wet, recently plowed field and saw my little granddaddy from England trudging across the field. As he got closer I noticed that he had huge mud balls on his boots.

I went up to him, and he said, “Lee, if you will practice over and over many times, you will get good.” Then he turned and went back and made larger balls of mud on his feet.

I thought, “Granddaddy, you are crazy! You came all this way just to tell me that?” But over the years I found he was a true friend. He helped me practice and practice.

He helped me when I went to college. I took a class for which I had little preparation. I was very frightened. I didn’t think I could pass it, let alone get a good grade. I remembered my granddaddy’s story, and I studied, believe it or not—and surprising to myself—six hours each school day. If we practice and practice, we will get good. I hope all of you students will study hard, not only the subjects that you really like but especially those that you have been avoiding. Study and study until you do well.

In high school something really special took place. One beautiful Sabbath morning my mother called upstairs to me and said, “Lee, are you ready to go to conference?”

I said, “No, I don’t feel well.”

Trusting me, she said, “Okay.”

Well, I didn’t feel bad physically, but I was really bad as far as attitude goes. It was the first time I had done that, and all during conference I couldn’t read the books I loved to read. I couldn’t concentrate. I wished I had gone.

Father was in the stake presidency, and once he found out what really happened, I knew that he would know I had let him down. After conference the stake presidency and Elder Mark E. Petersen and his wife came to our home. When Elder Petersen came into our living room, I could hear him; he had a strong voice. He said, “I’d like to meet your family.”

Oh, I felt bad. I wished I were in my best clothes. My father introduced my good brother and my three good sisters, and Elder Petersen said, “Is this all?”

Father said, “No. I have one more son.”

I then really felt badly when Elder Petersen asked, “Where is he?”

Father said, “Upstairs.”

Elder Petersen said, “I would like to meet him.”

I felt like leaping out of our attic window, but I decided to stay and take it. Two pairs of giant steps came up the wooden stairs. When Elder Petersen got up to the top, he looked all around. I was really shaking. He looked and saw all the marine specimens I had on my shelves, all the books I had purchased, and my microscope. He saw my little room that I had turned into a lab of study. Then, instead of calling me to repentance, he very kindly said, “Lee.” And in that powerful voice he said, “What are you going to do with all of this?”

I could hardly talk, and I said, “I would like to be a marine biologist.”

He said, “What do you mean, ‘like to’? Are you?”

A powerful lesson was learned. There is a big difference between liking to accomplish something and doing it—a big difference. I tell that story often to students. It can mean the difference between trying to reach the celestial kingdom and qualifying for it. It can mean graduating from BYU—not just trying, but doing it. It can mean getting a master’s degree. It can mean getting a PhD. Oh, how Elder Petersen helped me. He helped me through the tough times.

Now I’d like to focus on the time I’ve been here. I’m no spring chicken; I’ve been teaching here since 1964. I’ve learned some important things. I have learned to be kind to everyone wherever I go, but especially here at BYU. I have learned that it really pays to make friends with as many professors, administrators, staff, physical plant people, and even custodians as I can. Some of my best friends at BYU are found scattered all over the campus. I wish I had more time to get into more buildings and make more friends.

Friends are really important, and, as a professor, I truly believe that it is very important to be friends with students. When I first started teaching at BYU, one of the senior faculty members counseled me. He said, “Never get too close to your students or they won’t work as hard.” Well, I really like that professor, and I tried to follow his advice, but in time I found that he was wrong—very wrong. If I become a friend to my students, they work more, not less.

One day, just after I started teaching at BYU, an aunt of mine who was like a second mother to me posed a question: “Lee, do you give all of your students A’s?”

I said, “Of course not. They don’t all earn A’s.”

And she said, “If you taught well enough, they would get A’s.”

Wow, I’d never thought of that before. I didn’t believe her at first. Then, as I got a little bit older and a bit wiser—the older part came easy, the wiser part was difficult—I found out that if I got close to my students and required them to work hard, they would be better students. It doesn’t benefit a student at all if we give that student a high grade and the student hasn’t earned it. It doesn’t benefit us as professors here at BYU or benefit the students if we send them off with perfect letters of recommendation when they are not at the level to earn all of the compliments given. It will be hard for our students to get into schools from that point on. And professors will lose their credibility.

I had a good friend who retired from geology a short time ago. He said, “Lee, if I had to do it over again, I would take better care of the students who are struggling.” He said, “I have noticed over the years that you have done that.” I have given extra help to some, but there are so many that I haven’t been able to give it to all.

Let me tell you one last story—about a student I took to the Friday Harbor labs at the University of Washington. One day after fieldwork I gave the students an examination to see if they retained the names of the critters that they saw and collected. I came up to this fellow and said, “That’s a great grade. You only missed six.”

He said, “Dr. Braithwaite, six is the number I got right.”

I started noticing him. He was very quiet. I could tell he was a troubled young man. In time I got close to him, and he related to me that when he was a small boy, he was put in charge of tending his little brother, and he got distracted by his friends. His mother came home, and she asked where his little brother was.

“Oh,” it dawned on this student, “I have left him for a long time!” He and his friends and mother went searching, and the little brother was found in the ditch, drowned.

That had haunted him all those days and was still haunting him. He never smiled; he was always quiet. I thought, “What can I do to pick this student up?” Then the branch president asked me if I would select some of my students to speak and sing in sacrament meeting, and I thought, “I will ask this student to sing.” I had heard him sing to himself, and he had a beautiful voice. So he sang “I Know That My Redeemer Lives.” Everyone in the congregation had tears running down their face. I did, too. From that time on that young man was accepted by the students. He was a hero. He had many good friends.

Brothers and sisters, good friends are so important to each of us. May we be true friends and lift up as many as we can. May we do this with the spirit that President Hinckley so beautifully extends to us. May we follow our prophet perfectly. May we follow our Father in Heaven as perfectly as possible. May we follow our Savior the very best we can. May we be good friends, true friends. May we not disappoint our families and our friends as we sojourn here at BYU and after. I say these things from my heart and in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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