Sunday, February 20, 2022

There is Sunshine in my soul today

 I was raised in a small gold mining town in Carlin NV.  My Poppers was in charge of the railroad yard.  My fondest memories involve my time in that little town.  

Most my friends were Catholic but I was  member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and I have precious memories of my time in that little branch.  I was the pianist for our Sacrament meetings and it was during that time my love for the hymns and their words grew.

During that time in my life my most beloved and favorite hymn was:                                              

"There is Sunshine In My Soul Today."

    A couple of weeks ago I made the trip to Salt Lake for my yearly exam and as I usually do, I found myself listening to Conference talks.  This trip I found myself listening to April 2017 Conference and one talk in particular spoke to my soul.  Elder Holland's talk entitled  "Songs Sung and Unsung."  He started out his inspirational talk with these words, "Surely it must have been a day like were having in Salt Lake  City today that led Elizabeth Hewitt to say and write more than a century ago 'There is Sunshine in my Soul Today."

As he continued with his talk he spoke about the dark days when we don't feel that "sunshine in my soul today."  As I listened to his inspired words I found myself reflecting on my life and how for over the last  few years, I have felt out of tune and not sure how to get that "sunshine" back into my aching soul.

I found many points of his talk that I could incorporate into my life to help rekindle that "sunshine" in my own personal soul.  It brought a smile and peace to my soul when he quoted two Latter-Day Saint women who stated, "All God's critters got a place in the choir."

Like Elder Holland my soul for aches for all the heartache I have seen that have come from the Covid 19 isolation in 2020.  Many of my friends were affected mentally, some physically, others financially...and my list could continue.  Because 2020 was my cancer journey it brought me closer to my Heavenly Father and His beloved son but there are many who do not have that relationship and they are left feeling confused, fearful and angry.

I am going to let Elder Hollands words end my thoughts because he hits so many beautiful points that I cannot even begin to describe.

It is my hope that we all find and sing,

    1. "There is sunshine in my soul today,

    2. More glorious and bright

      Than glows in any earthly sky,

      For Jesus is my light.

    3. [Chorus]

      Oh, there’s sunshine, blessed sunshine

      When the peaceful happy moments roll.

      When Jesus shows his smiling face,

      There is sunshine in the soul.

    4. 2. There is music in my soul today,

      A carol to my King,

      And Jesus listening can hear

      The songs I cannot sing.

    5. 3. There is springtime in my soul today,

      For when the Lord is near,

      The dove of peace sings in my heart,

      The flow’rs of grace appear.

    6. 4. There is gladness in my soul today,

      And hope and praise and love,

      For blessings which he gives me now,

      For joys “laid up” above."

    1. Songs Sung and Unsung


  1. My dad is Louie Cordova who lives in Carlin. Love your article. It brought sunshine to my soul to read it.

  2. He lived in Carlin. He died in 2013
