Friday, May 17, 2013

A Tribute to Mothers

I found this really new website with poems that people have written.  I found many of them inspiring.
Since May is the month for mothers and I did not have time to do a Mother's day post,  here is my Tribute to Mothers utilizing some of the poems I found at "Family Friend Poems."
If you like poems here is their web address go and check them out they have a huge variety of poems covering a massive range of topics. 


Her Hands

© Maggie Pittman
Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath.
Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.
Her hands held me close when the tears would start to fall.
Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all.

Her hands were there to brush my hair, or straighten a wayward bow.
Her hands were often there to comfort the hurts that didn't always show.
Her hands helped hold the stars in place, and encouraged me to reach.
Her hands would clap and cheer and praise when I captured them at length.

Her hands would also push me, though not down or in harms way.
Her hands would punctuate the words, just do what I say.
Her hands sometimes had to discipline, to help bend this young tree.
Her hands would shape and mold me into all she knew I could be.

Her hands are now twisting with age and years of work,
Her hand now needs my gentle touch to rub away the hurt.
Her hands are more beautiful than anything can be.
Her hands are the reason I am me.

Source: Her Hands, Mother Poem 

Through My Mother's Eyes......

© Jessica R. Nickell
My mother sees me as a bright, beautiful girl.
Who's all grown up in this busy world.
Who's funny, courageous, brave, and strong.
Who's intelligent and knows right from wrong.
Who makes decisions on her own.
Who knows how to clean a dirty home.
In this hectic world, I stand tall.
And keep my composure through it all.
But once I was a little girl.
Who was small and dependent in this busy world
So how did I become the woman I call me?
I was cared for, loved and raised properly.
I had a wonderful model to look up to.
(Even though I never tried her kung fu)
I was taught to reach for the stars.
And be proud of everything you are.
So now I'm reaching my goals and dreams.
And I have you to thank for everything.
I love you mom!

Source: Thank You Mom!, Through My Mother's Eyes, Mother Poem 

A Mother's Call

© Loretta A. Pitilli
images of your children
forever on your screen
separation, anxiety and love
the blessed trinity
the need to comfort
to iron out the wrinkles
to diminish their pain
to ingest some wisdom
to eradicate the mystery
to hold their hand
while climbing the mountain
or walking heavily in the rain
to gently touch
to freely let go
to be right there
and then disappear
to give life
to let it fly
waiting patiently
as they wave goodbye

Source: A Mother's Call, Mother Poem 

So many more yet not enough space but here is one about adoption.
My parents that raised me were old enough to be my grand-parents but for me they were always and will always be my mom and poppers

Growing Up With Grandma

© Candy Canan
I don't know when it happened.
I don't know when she came,
But, she's the one I always knew,
Grandma was her name.

She taught me how to tie my shoes.
She taught me how to talk.
And, though I can't remember,
I think she taught me how to walk.

When all the other kids in school
Would talk about Mom and Dad,
I wondered where my parents were,
That made me kinda’ sad.

And, sometimes there were days I'd cry
Or hide my head in shame.
But Grandma took it all in stride,
And loved me all the same.

She'd wrap her arms around me,
And kiss me on the head.
She'd tell me that she loved me
When she tucked me into bed.

Being a teen, I remember the days
When being with friends was more fun.
And I wondered what it would have been like
To actually be someone's son.

To have a regular family
Some siblings, a mom, and a dad,
What had I done to deserve less than others?
Sometimes I felt so mad.

'It's alright, it's okay,' Grandma would say,
'One day you'll understand why,
Life just isn't fair to everyone you see.
It's always okay to cry.'

And when I went off to college,
I met the love of my life.
It was Grandma who was the first I told
That I planned to make her my wife.

Soon after I'd become a father,
For that I could hardly wait.
To have a child of my very own,
And, to make my Grandma a 'Great'.

A little girl to share her name,
For all that she'd given me.
So much I owed to Grandma,
That was plain to see.

As time passed and life grew short
I hoped my Grandma knew
That it was her love and her support
That always got me through.

If I could tell her one more thing
'Thanks Grandma', is what I 'd say
For loving me and making me,
The man I am today.

Source: Growing Up With Grandma, Adoption Poem 

And here are some written by our birth mothers and one about a birth mother:  

For My Children

© Cara-Marie Simpkins
For my children

I remember my pregnancy with you
I fell in love with your every move, and with the sound of your beating heart.
I held your precious body in my arms for the first time and took in your sweet, angelic presence.
Nothing could prepare me for what would lie ahead.
Nothing could prevent my heart from breaking, but it had to be done.
I tried to be strong, but my strength failed me.
I never knew it would be so difficult to write my own name.
I cried, and was grateful for all the precious memories you've given me.
It was a new beginning for you.
The healing was beginning for me.
Time went forward, I learned and grew as I slowly let go of you.
My heart was healed, my life was blessed and my prayers were answered.
Still, there's days when I cry.
I will never stop thinking about you.
Still I wonder about the person you are now, and the person you've yet to become.
I pray that you will always know of the love I have for you.
It's only through the grace of God that you were mine for a time.
He gave you to me, I lovingly obeyed his plans for you.

~C-Marie Simpkins~

Source: Giving Up Children For Adoption, For My Children, Adoption Poem 

My Birth Mom

© Emily E. Adkisson
Loving and gracious the
Women I've never met.
She made a difficult decision and
She will debate that decision for the
Rest of her life.
It was something she knew she had to do
She did it with
A Mothers Love.

She thinks about me everyday
Every birthday, Every Mothers Day
Hurt will always be there.
I would not be the person
I am today without
A Mothers Love.
I can never thank her enough
For all the pain
She must go through
To give me a wonderful life
She had to show the biggest amount of
A Mothers Love.

Source: My Birth Mom, A Mother's Love, Adoption Poem 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Do You Have The Faith Not To Be Healed?

I was listening to Elder Bednar speak to the young adults of the church when he made this profound comment, "Do you have the faith not to be healed?" He was visiting with a young man in his mid twenties who was newly married and had been diagnosed with cancer.
My first thought was, "what the hey."  Memories flooded my mind of a beloved primary teacher teaching me that, "if you had the faith of a mustard seed you could move a mountain."  Teachings of Sunday School teachers teaching me that if you had enough faith you could be healed.
( Gotta admit that the thought of moving a mountain totally captured my mind.)
While these thoughts were running through my mind, Elder Bednar continued:
 "Do you trust the Lord that if he does not heal you and calls you home that He needs you to serve there.  Do You Trust the Lord and that He has your best interest at heart?"
WOW!!  What an honest and truthful concept; yet at times very hard to believe.
When we lost our first baby I did not have that faith.  Instead I found myself embedded with bitterness and anger, "How could a loving Heavenly Father allow this to happen to me.  He could have intervened; of that there was no doubt in my mind, yet He hadn't.  I will always remember the day when a kind and loving Heavenly Father attempted to reach out and console His brokenhearted child and I informed Him that I did not need Him and He could just leave and leave He did.
Those following years were most difficult.
Last night we went out for a family dinner.  While we were deciding what we were going to eat we were approached by a young man we had known for many years.  I noticed he had an insulin pump and that he did not freely use his right arm.  As we were visiting he proceeded to share his story with us:
A few years ago he had been layed off from his job he had worked at for 10 years.  He spent over a year looking for another job but had no luck.  During that dark period His family lost everything, their home and their autos.  They had no income and no hope of him finding another job.
He then commented that the stress of everything took its toll and he had a major stroke and also contracted type one Diabetes.
He lost a big chunk of his memory with the stroke, lost function of his right side and has to wear an insulin pump to control his blood sugars.
Thanks to hard work and therapy he can raise his right hand to shake someones hand.
He is now disabled and his wife spends her days taking care of him and their disabled child.
I was amazed as I listened to this young man speak of what they had been through; he was humble and meek with no anger just grateful to have what he had and most grateful he remembered us.
Throughout the conversation with emotion filled voice he kept commenting, "it is so good to see you."
As I watched our friend go and join his wife I found myself relating to my husband how blessed we have been with health and our lives.  That young man was quite a few years younger than us.
This young man does not share my beliefs but he has always believed in and trusted God.
As I have been reflecting on his example I find myself wondering if I would have been that calm and matter of fact.
Elder Bednar's words resounded within my head,
"Do You Trust The Lord?"
I once heard a story where the wind had blown a man off the edge of the cliff and he was clinging to a single little tree that was sticking out from the side of the cliff.  Immediately he started calling, "Lord help me."
The Lord responded, "Do you Trust Me?"  The immediate reply was,
 "Yes Lord, I trust you."
Then this simple statement, "Let go the branch."
Over and over I have played that scenario out in my mind and each and every time when the Lord tells me to let go the branch I find myself hesitating.
After all wouldn't it be much easier to tell a mountain to be gone and it would be gone?
Elder Bednar also addressed that.  In his closing remarks he mentioned the scripture that related to having the faith of a mustard seed and moving mountains and then commented that faith to move mountains was not needed in our day and age but what was needed was the faith to trust in the Lord in all things and realize that He truly has our best interest at heart.
In closing I ask what Elder Bednar asked,
 "Do You Have The Faith Not To Be Healed?"