Sunday, May 22, 2022

Am I My Brothers Keeper?


I attend a very small branch and before Relief Society we gather as sisters and talk about various subjects.  Today it was shared that a star athlete and class president in one of our small communities had chosen to end his life by suicide along with another fellow student.  I shared that I had wondered because Elder Holland's talk from our last conference had been running through my mind.  It was heartbreaking to hear.  I remember softly stating "it is so hard to be the ones left behind aka Suicide Survivor."

It was then our sweet sweet teacher commented that her lesson today was based on Elder Holland's talk.  I jokingly told her I was going to have to stop attending her lessons because she always used the Conference talks that touched me deeply and left me in tears.   Needless to say, it was a tearful lesson.  

I listened as a dear sister shared with us her sons attempts at ending his life multiple times and how when she reached out for help she would hit walls of indifference, "Oh, he's just out being a boy, He's just fine, You're just overreacting..."  I could go on and on.  All I could do was nod my head in agreement because I heard those same lines when I attempted to reach out to get help for my brother.  She thanked our Heavenly Father for being there with him and caused a divine intervention.  Sadly, the divine intervention for me and my brother was for me to let Heavenly Father allow my brother to take his chosen path.  It has taken me years to understand.  Each of our journeys are our own to tread.

Before our lesson began I was sharing how the brethren are always telling us that we out of all people should have the greatest reasons to rejoice, be cheerful and happy and yet so many members are unhappy and always carry a frown.  A sister quickly piped in, "if people always see you smiling they get offended because they don't have that happy cheery disposition..."  I quickly responded, "that is their issue to bear not mine."  She continued on that once offended "they would not want to be around you..."  I let that conversation go until there was a moment in the lesson where Elder Holland was pleading with the youth not to take "suicide as a way out...and how it would not ease their pain...and how the Savior who loved us most gave His life for us..."  I then remembered a story I had watched concerning the alarming rates of suicides at the San Francisco golden gate bridge and how one note tore at my heartstrings, "I will not jump if one person smiles at me."  No one smiled they found the note attached to an empty jacket.  This person had jumped.  I then looked at the sister whom I had the animated conversation with and shared with her that story and how that day I made a promise to myself that I would smile and greet everyone I met because I never knew who was going to be on that bridge and if my smile and greeting uplifted them it would be worth more than any might be offense.

I then shared a story I had read where a freshman in high school who saw a classmate walking home from school with all his books in his arms.  A bunch of kids ran up to him and knocked the books out of his arms and tripped him.  This classmate then observed incredible sadness in this young man's eyes and his "heart went out to him."   He approached him and saw tears in his eyes.  He then proceeded to help him pick up his books and called the kids "jerks."  He walked with this young man to his home and invited him to join him and his friends.  They developed a true friendship. 

At their graduation this young man was their valedictorian and in his speech he talked about "thanking those who helped you make it through some very tough years."  He referenced parents, coaches, teachers...but "mostly friends."  He then shared how that day so long ago when he was carrying all his books home he had decided he was going to end his life and he was carrying all his books home so his mother would not have to clean out his locker.  He then commented, "thankfully I was saved.  My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable..."  

Am I my Brother's Keeper? 

One never knows how one small act of kindness can change a perspective.

It is my prayer we will do as President Hinckley counseled "a little better each day."

I would like to close with Elder Henry D Taylors inspired words:  

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

After Adam had been created by the Lord in his image and after his own likeness, the Lord pointed out that it was not good for man to be alone. So Eve was created and given to Adam to be his wife, his companion and helpmeet.

Adam and Eve received many instructions from the Lord. Among them was the mandate to multiply and replenish the earth, or in other words, to bring children into the world. Without hesitation they followed that injunction, and in due time a son was born to them. How proud, how thrilled and delighted they must have been with their new child. Undoubtedly, they had wonderful dreams and high hopes for him. They gave him the name of Cain. Later they were blessed with another son, who was called Abel.

The boys differed noticeably in temperament and disposition. As they matured and reached manhood, Cain became a tiller of the soil and Abel chose to become a keeper of sheep. The scriptures reveal that Abel loved the Lord. He was obedient and hearkened unto his voice. Cain was rebellious and loved Satan more than God. Out of selfishness and in a fit of jealousy, Cain rose up and slew his brother, Abel.

When the Lord inquired of Cain, “Where is Abel, thy brother?” Cain arrogantly replied with the question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Moses 5:34.)

Over the years that question has been asked numerous times. To that question, many today would respond with firm conviction, “Yes, Cain, you are your brother’s keeper, and not only you, but each one of us is our brother’s keeper.”

Those who labor so diligently and unselfishly with aching backs and blistered hands on welfare projects are doing so because they love their brothers and sisters and do not want them to suffer from cold nor hunger.

The home teachers and visiting teachers who faithfully visit their assigned families regularly to determine if all is well and in order surely believe, Cain, that they are their brother’s keeper.

When one visits the houses of the Lord, the temples, he is impressed by the dedicated members of the Church who have sought out their deceased loved ones through research. They attend the temples often to perform vicarious ordinances for them that will make exaltation and eternal life possible. Truly they believe that they are their brother’s keeper.

As we observe the sincere and enthusiastic labors of the thousands of missionaries throughout the world declaring the restored truth, not for their individual benefit, but to teach the glorious principles of the gospel to the peoples of the earth for their blessing, we are again impressed, Cain, that they have a conviction that they are their brother’s keeper.

There are over 5,000 American Indian children, coming from fifty tribal backgrounds, living with Latter-day Saint families during the school year. They receive the same love and attention given to their foster brothers and sisters—a true act of love and brotherhood on the part of these families, with no reward other than the knowledge that they are helping a choice son or daughter of our Heavenly Father take his or her rightful place in the world. They too are their brother’s keeper.

In teaching his followers, Jesus often used the scriptural terminology of neighbor in designating his brother.

At one time a certain lawyer asked the Savior what he must do to inherit eternal life. The Master asked him what he read in the law. The lawyer pondered a moment and then replied: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” (Luke 10:27.)

He was assured his answer was correct. In order to justify himself, he then posed the question: “And who is my neighbour?”

Jesus, the Master Teacher, then told of a certain man who was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. Thieves fell upon him, stripping him of his clothing, beating him brutally, and leaving him half dead. By chance a priest came along and, observing the wounded man, turned his head, crossed the road, and passed by on the other side. Soon a Levite came along, and when he saw the injured person, he also passed by on the opposite side of the road.

But a Samaritan riding along was filled with compassion when he viewed the unfortunate man. Stopping his animal, he bound up the victim’s wounds and poured oil and wine into the afflicted parts. Placing the suffering man upon his beast, he took him to a nearby inn, where he further ministered unto him.

On the morrow when he departed, he took some money from his purse and handed it to the innkeeper, requesting him to care for the injured man and promising that he would compensate him for any additional expense incurred when he returned from his journey.

The Savior then posed the question: “Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?” To this the lawyer readily answered: “He that shewed mercy on him.” The Savior said unto him: “Go, and do thou likewise.” (Luke 10:36–37.)

One of the most beautiful and tender accounts of brotherly love, concern, and devotion took place in Carthage Jail on the afternoon of the martyrdom. “The afternoon was sultry and hot. The four brethren [Joseph and Hyrum Smith, John Taylor, and Willard Richards] sat listlessly about the room with their coats off; and the windows of the prison were open to receive such air as might be stirring. Late in the afternoon Mr. Stigall, the jailor, came in and suggested that [in view of threats made by the radical and bloodthirsty mob] they would be safer in the cells. Joseph told him that they would go in after supper. Turning to Elder Richards the Prophet said: ‘If we go into the cell will you go with us?’”

Elder Richards answered, “Brother Joseph, you did not ask me to cross the river with you [referring to the time when they crossed the Mississippi, en route for the Rocky Mountains]—you did not ask me to come to Carthage—you did not ask me to come to jail with you—and do you think I would forsake you now? But I will tell you what I will do; if you are condemned to be hung for ‘treason,’ I will be hung in your stead, and you shall go free.”

With considerable emotion and feeling Joseph replied, “But you cannot,” to which Brother Richards firmly replied, “I will.” (B. H. Roberts, A Comprehensive History of the Church, vol. 2, p. 283.)

In these words Brother Richards displayed his concern for Joseph, who was his beloved brother and neighbor. The Savior taught: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13.)

As Latter-day Saints, we firmly believe that we are brothers and sisters, spiritual offspring of heavenly parents, members of a royal family who once dwelt and associated together. There is a beautiful song that our children sing called “I Am a Child of God,” which teaches that our Heavenly Father has sent us here and has given us a home on earth with kind and dear parents. The song contains the prayer that our Father in heaven will direct us, inspire us, and teach us what we must do to again live with him some day.

With the dawning of each new day, there will be opportunities for all of us to help our neighbors, who are our brothers, in their hour of need.

How will we respond? Will we be like the priest and like the Levite described by the Savior, and turn our heads, walk across the road, and proceed in an unconcerned and selfish way?

Or will we follow the example of the Good Samaritan and thoughtfully and sympathetically assist our neighbors and brothers in their time of trial, and thus receive approbation and the blessings of our Heavenly Father?

The choice is ours to make. May the Lord bless us that our decisions will be correct and righteous ones, for which I humbly pray, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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