I recently had two questions which sunk deep into my heart and had me pondering on how I would answer: "Who is it in your heart of hearts that you honor? Who is permitted a place in that sacred sanctuary that is your personal hall of fame?"
Today as I was reflecting on those two questions my beloved Poppers was the first who popped into my mind. Then my favorite Primary Teacher Mrs. Henry came into my mind. She was the one who laid a foundation of eternal truths that prepared me for the spiritual truths that would be built upon it..
My eighth grade teacher Mr Carter who stayed after school with me every day just so I could get a C in Algebra. I then thought of my beloved piano teacher Mrs King who opened the door for my musical talent to grow and thrive along with my band teacher Mr Pollack who introduced me to the world of wood instruments. Both him and Mrs King had desires and hopes that I would go to Juliet's to further develop my talent and love of music.
Bishop Anderson and Brother Layton who lovingly encouraged me to grow and thrive in the church knowing that I came from a part member family. Aunt Alzora and Aunt Marion, Aunt Alzora who welcomed me and allowed me to assist with her bible studies and taught me the song "Jesus loves me this I know cause the bible tells me so." Aunt Marion who taught me how to play gin rummy and with my moms help taught me how to bake. I am just now refinding my love of baking and playing the piano. Both were lost to me when I lost my mom and poppers.
Grandma Hice who was our local Avon lady. Everyone loved her. I approached her one day and asked if she would be my grandma? She asked, "Don't you have a Grandma? I then shared with her that all my grandparents were gone. She then wrapped her arms around me and said, "From now on I will be your Grandma." Oh, how I loved her because true to her word she was my "grandma." In the late 90's I met my adopted Grandma Flora, Aunt Kay and Aunt Gayle. Aunt Kay taught me to cross stitch and some history of Florida. Grandma Flora and Aunt Gail taught me southern manners and introduced me to southern hospitality. I have cherished memories of my short time with them. My favorite New Yorker who ignited my curiosity of seeing her beloved New York. She has been my adopted mothers best friend for many years
My Uncle Fred, Uncle Ralph and my beloved Uncle Vick. Uncle Fred instilled in me the love of family. Uncle Ralph who had a contagious sense of humor. Uncle Vick because he never gave up on me. There are so many between the Coxies, Bradshaws, Spencers, Reynolds and Scherer's extended family that touched my life and left their imprints upon my heart.
As I grew, I wandered away from the safety net of my family and found myself in a cruel and hostile world. It was during that time I met my husband. He has stayed with me through many dark times and rescued me from a very dark period of my life. He introduced me to a very special love that a husband and wife share as they overcome their obstacles together.
Brother Boyle who was the first in many years to remind me I was a beloved daughter of God and taught me how to get the most from my daily scripture study. Inspirational institute teachers who challenged me and laid a foundation for deeper truths. A patient and loving visiting teacher whose first words upon finally meeting me were, "your eyes are bright, you're not dead." I loved her instantly. She was the one who encouraged me to go to the temple. Brother Garner whose simple counsel of "drive slow and be steady.'
President Phillips and his counselors who were key instruments in my beloved mom, poppers and I being sealed. Brother Leavitt who had me promise that I would stay in the "mainstream of the Brethren and I would attend the temple at least once a month." (The closest temple then was Boise.)
Adam, Eve, Enoch, Elijah, Isaiah, Job, Jeremiah, John the beloved, Paul, Peter, Ammon, Alma, Helaman, Moroni and Nephi are just a few of my favorites I've found in my scripture study. The Prophet Joseph Smith, President Brigham Young, President David O McKay, President Hinkley, President Monson and our current Prophet President Nelson, President Ballard, President Packer, Elder Neal A Maxwell, Elder Haight, President Holland, Elder Uchtdorf, Elder Pinegar, Brother Talmage, Brother Truman S Madsen, Brother Stephen Covey, Brother Nibley and Brother Michael S Wilcox all would be included in my personal hall of fame. But in the center of all these inspirational people who have touched my life would be a picture of my best friend, my Elder brother, my mediator, and greatest ally. My beloved Savior and my greatest inspiration Jesus Christ who in His infinite wisdom placed me in the orbit of some of His greatest teachers.
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