Sunday, June 16, 2024

A mighty Change

 Today in Sunday school we discussed one of my all time favorite scripture passages.  It is found in the Book of Alma beginning with chapter five.

Alma's father had been a priest to a very wicked king who killed a prophet of the Lord because he did not like his sins being called out.  Alma the elder heard this prophets words and they sunk deep within his heart and he experienced a "mighty change of heart."  He became a loyal follower of our Lord Jesus Christ and he was an instrument in establishing the Lord's church and teachings.

His son, Alma the younger did not believe as his father had, so he and his friends went around "trying to destroy the church."  I have been taught to liken the scriptures I was reading to me and what I was facing in life.  Since 1997 I have felt a kindred love for Alma the younger in his conversion story and mine.  Like him I had been raised in the gospel and I have always loved my Heavenly Father but I  found myself being drawn to the shiny pretty packages the world had to offer and like Alma the younger I had my "come to Jesus meeting" which caused a "mighty change in my heart.  As it had in his life along with his four friends I too felt an urgency to right my wrongs.  I had wasted many years of doing what I wanted and not what the Lord needed me to do.  

I love their missionary story and for many years I have asked my Heavenly Father if I could place my little toe in Ammon's missionary shoes, so that I too could have a wonderful missionary experience.  I chose my little toe because compared to them I am nowhere near the spiritual giants they were.  Many of my prayers have been related to them and how they taught with "power and great authority, they were men of sound understanding because they fasted and prayed... and studied,"  Oh, how I wanted to just have a taste of their talents but knowing me, I tend to fall short on many days but "Oh that I were an angel,,,!"

Though I am far from their "sound understanding, and powerful teaching" I have been blessed to share my light with many and have had some cherished experiences.  Alma and his friends faced great adversity before they reaped their fruits and I have wondered how they did not get discouraged and just decide to quit, after all quitting is so much easier than rolling up one's sleeves and going back in for more.  But when I have those thoughts I am reminded by them the graveness of the loss if they had quit.  

The worth of souls are great in our Heavenly Father's' eyes after all, He created each and everyone of us.  I feel sadness when I witness His children who know nothing but what the world offers because they have never known who they are.  Alma and his friends along with Joseph Smith and I'm sure all our prophets "could not bear the thought of any being cast out..."  Joseph Smith commented that "He would carry them on his back..."  That goes hand in hand with no greater love.  

After all, aren't we asked to love the Lord with all our heart, mind, might, and strength? and then we're asked to love our neighbors as ourselves.  In one of our recent conference talks an area seventy mentioned a talk which had been given by Elder Dale G Ruland entitled:  "Through God's Eyes,   "To effectively serve others, we must see them through a parent’s eyes, through Heavenly Father’s eyes."

This address was one of Elder Rulands first talks he had given since being called to the quorum of the 12.  He shared an experience I totally relate to when he had been called to serve as a Bishop.  A good friend said, "You need to know that the Lord hasn't called you because of anything you have done.  In your case, it is probably in spite of what you have done.  The Lord has called you for what He needs to do through you, and that will happen only if you do it His way."   Recently I was called to a leadership role in my beloved branch and like Elder Ruland " gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world.  I am one of those weak and simple..."  

Elder Ruland explained perfectly the why Alma and his four friends missionary experiences spoke deeply into my soul, "Something wonderful happens in a missionary's service when he or she realizes that the calling is not about him or her; rather it is about the Lord, His work, and Heavenly Father's children...This calling is not about me.  It's about the Lord, His work, and Heavenly Father's children.  No matter what assignment or calling is in the Church, to serve capably, one most serve knowing that everyone we serve is a 'beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and as such,...has a divine nature and destiny."  Now I understand Alma and his friends and Joseph Smith's "sound understanding."

Because of my realization that I am on the "Lord's errand" I have not limited myself to serve in just one area. The Lord has blessed me to serve in many areas and in many situations.  This is the first time I have been able to serve with full time missionaries and meet new friends and with the missionaries I get to share my love of Heavenly Father's beautiful plan.  Though I have just asked to place my little toe in Ammons missionary shoes how grateful I am for all the wonderful blessings that have come because of that one little hearts desire.

I'll close with Elder Rulands words since he says it more beautifully than I ever could:  "

With all my heart I want to be a true follower of Jesus Christ.  I love Him.  I adore Him.  I witness of His living reality.  I witness that He is the Anointed One, the Messiah, I am a witness of His incomparable mercy, compassion and love..."  Along with Elder Ruland I leave my testimony that "Jesus is the Living Christ the immortal son of God...He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world."

If you would like to read m favorite missionaries story feel free to pick up a Book of Mormon and start reading the book of Alma. :) 

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