Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Heavenly Laws

 In Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21:

"There is a law irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundation of the world, upon which all blessings are predicated--And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated."

As I have been feasting on our General Conference messages President Oaks message struck a chord with me.  His message pertained to the "Kingdoms of Glory."  Where he addresses our Fathers plan in which all His children come home to Him and live with Him in His kingdom of glory.

For many years my heart has been troubled with various things involving our returning to our Heavenly Home.  I have found myself pondering on the Parable of the workers and the Parable of the prodigal son and then my mind returns to Elder Uchtdorfs conference message of the "The Prodigal and the Journey Home."   As I have been reflecting I found myself going back to Elder Oaks talk and then to the scripture passage in D&C.  I have re-listened to his inspired words and printed out a copy so that I could re read his inspired words.

I have shared with many friends who do not share my beliefs that there is more than just "heaven and hell."  and how a loving Heavenly Father would not allow just those two options.  As President Oaks shared, "In my Father's house are many mansions."  That thought has been running through my mind over the last several weeks as I have searched for peace for my troubled mind and heart.

In this General Conference our beloved Prophet, President Nelson encouraged us to "think Celestial."  My mind immediately jumped back to August 20, 1998 when I was sealed to my beloved mom and poppers.  That day my vision became "Celestial."  President Oaks states,  "The highest destination--exhalation in the celestial kingdom--is the focus of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints."

In his message President Oaks made a comment that struck me, " that all God's children will inherit a kingdom of glory whose laws they can comfortably "abide."  He went on to share the teaching of Paul:  "The Lord's teachings and commandments were given that we may all attain the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ."  Elder Oaks then stated, "That process requires far more than acquiring knowledge.  It is not enough to be convinced of the gospel; we must act so that we are converted by it.  In contrast to other preaching, which teaches us to know something, the gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something."  I know for myself the truthfulness of his words of "becoming something."  I am amazed over the years how the Lord has been changing and molding me to become more like Him.  How grateful I am for His loving patience when I totally fail and He encourages me to get back up and "try, try, and try again."

Elder Oaks then said:  "...We qualify for eternal life through a process of conversion. (The brethren have been talking a lot about being converted)  As used here, this word of many meanings signifies a profound change of nature.  It is not enough for anyone to just go through the motions.  The commandments, ordinances, and covenants of the gospel are not a list of deposits required to be made in some heavenly account..."

He then referenced a passage found in the Book of Mormon, "this life is the time for us to prepare to meet God." In his talk he referenced a thought President Nelson had wrote in regards to the three kingdom of glory, "Mortal lifetime is barely a nanosecond compared with eternity.  But what a crucial nanosecond it is!  Consider carefully how it works;  During this mortal life you get to choose which laws you are willing to obey--those of the celestial kingdom, or the terrestrial, or the telestial--and, therefore, in which kingdom of glory you will live forever.  What a plan!  It is a plan that completely honors your agency."  Here is where my struggle began as I began to think about those I loved who with their agency has chosen to follow lesser laws with no desire to come to know about the beautiful plan of salvation.  I began to feel that each step I took to try and live a higher law would take me further and further away from those here in mortality that I loved and cherish but then I would think how I would feel not being able to live with my Heavenly Father and my best friend Jesus Christ.  The two that has always been there for me.  I remember when my brother made his choice to end his life I questioned, "why wasn't my love enough?"  Oh, how I would love all my friends to come home and live our Heavenly parents in the highest degree of glory if I could but as I learned with my beloved Poppers it has to be their choice.

I found my answer and peace in Elder Oaks closing remarks:  "Salvation is an individual matter, but exaltation is a family matter."  "We have a loving Heavenly Father who will see that we receive every blessing and every advantage that our own desires and choices allow.  We also know that He will not force no one into a sealing relationship against her will.  The blessings of a sealed relationship are assured to all who keep their covenants but never by forcing a sealed relationship on another person who is unwilling or unworthy."

It is my prayer that all I love will have a desire to come to know our Lord and Savior and enter into an eternal covenant with Him but it is ultimately their choice.  But I also know our Father in Heaven has a plan and there is much that I do not understand and all that I need to do now is to trust in Him and continue with my journey to return to Him and be reunited in a joyous reunion in my Heavenly home. 

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